Kootenai County

Bonner County



  • TRiO Idaho
    US Dept of Education TRiO Programs (Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math Science, Veteran’s Upward Bound, Student Support Services, Educational Opportunity Center and the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program) help students to overcome class, social, academic and cultural barriers to higher education. TRiO services include: assistance in choosing a college; tutoring; personal and financial counseling; career counseling; assistance in applying to college; workplace and college visits; special instruction in reading, writing, study skills and mathematics; assistance in applying for financial aid; and academic assistance in high school or assistance to reenter high school or college.
  • Strive for College
    Mentors volunteer to help high school students get in to college and pay for it.
  • Search for Tutors at Care.com