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North Idaho Education Resources & Links

Visit our Resources page or the Categories in the right-hand column of this page.

"Recovery Credits" 101

If you or your student has fallen behind on a class or two, there are options for making up those credits in order to graduate on time.

TIP: Confirm that you or your student are taking the RIGHT CLASSES so that they receive proper credit for high school and/or college courses.

Driver's Education

North Idaho Scholarships plus State, Regional & Other Scholarships

Scholarship deadlines vary widely (Note: February & March are BIG deadline months for the following Fall semester), so don't miss out on local and regional opportunities!

Also check with your college or university of interest for scholarships offered by those institutions.

North Idaho Charter & Magnet Schools

North Idaho Charter Schools

Idaho Charter School Information

North Idaho Magnet Schools

Magnet School Information


Financial Aid

Important deadlines are in February and March for Idaho Seniors for both FAFSA and the College Board Financial Profile. Do check with your school of interest about THEIR deadlines for scholarship applications and financial aid submission deadlines.

TIP: You do not NEED to have your previous year's taxes filed prior to completing a FAFSA or College Board Financial Profile, so don't wait. You will provide estimates and then update the application once taxes have been filed.

North Idaho School Districts

Digital Learning

Veterans / Military Resources


Worker Retraining Programs